Digital Platforms & Features
What are the features and form factors to consider for web, tablet, smartphones, feature phones, game consoles, etc.? How do these items impact digital advertising choices and plans?
Session #6
Session #2
Sample Course Content
Digital Advertising in the Marketing Mix
What is advertising? What is marketing? Why are these distinctions important? What benefits does digital advertising provide over traditional advertising?
LSMs*, Customer Targeting, Customer Profiles
Models from other markets, resources in Kenya, understanding key demographic indicators
Digital Marketing Channels
Overview; International Landscape; 1:1 Measurement Opportunities; Success Measures; Smaller Advertising Budgets
Session #1
Session #5
User Experience Considerations
Device user interfaces and their contribution to user experiences; Screen size and form factor considerations; Advertisements adding to content experiences
Digital Advertising Tools
Overview; Mobile; Social Media; Apps; Tablets; Web; East African Landscape
Session #7
Advertising Messaging
Constructing a message; Tailoring a message for LSMs; Formatting messages for digital platforms
Session #8
Session #9
*LSMs -- Living Standard Measurements; Equivalent to demographic data used in the US for marketing analysis